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Lisa Roper
Lisa Roper is an angler extraordinaire. During ice season, you can catch her fishing on the ice, filming her next season of Lisa Roper Outdoors,...
Jarred Rhodes
Jarred Rhodes, CEO of Cold Vision Outdoors, is a self-proclaimed ice fishing addict. Jarred created his business to take newcomers ice fishing, introducing people to...
Dianne Hunter
Dianne is our outdoor aficionado. She was entrusted by Hulu’s extreme cooking show, Chefs vs. Wild, as a “survivalist” who helped to guide the chefs....
Josh Hoversten
Josh tackles the ice with a Jiffy auger, a fishing pole, a tent, and a camera. He brings his viewers along for the ride, giving...
Shannon Kruse
Shannon has worked with Jiffy for over 15 years, and he brings the joy of fishing everywhere he goes! He is particularly passionate about passing...
Scott Bulat
Scott is always ready to put Jiffy augers to the test! Whether he’s on the ice with unreleased products or repairing people’s Jiffy augers that...